Christmas Inspiration


Did you know the Christmas tree symbolizes hope throughout the winter season? As well, hope in the promise that the rest of nature too will awaken to new life in the coming spring. We’ve had a few signs of fierce winter so far, but nothing compared to last year. It’s going to be a dry and brown Christmas and I’m ok with that. I don’t need snow for the spirit of Christmas to be alive and well.

Our oldest daughter was recently in Japan and while on a break from swimming ventured into a local shopping centre. While she told us the story of seeing Christmas trees on display and hearing Christmas music while wondering the shops, she remarked “Mom, it doesn’t matter where you are in the world, it’s Christmas!”. These words resonated with me as we often focus so tightly on our immediate surroundings. Around the world people celebrate in their own way with traditions and festivities, but regardless the culture, religion or climate, my hope is the spirit of peace, love and kindness will surround you and your loved ones as you embrace this magical season of Christmas.

Thanks to Jamie for putting together this lovely collage :)

Image credits clockwise from top right: carrying a treeletter ‘N’ ornamentfelt ornamentsglass globespretty tree with iciclespackage adorned with pinetable top tree