Lessons & Learnings from 2022


A quick note to newcomers: Welcome! I promise there will be design inspiration to follow. This is a more personal, and candid recount of the year prior, my annual new year post. Thank you for being here!

Let’s kick it off by giving 2022 a visual.

I’ve been writing this post in my head for weeks now. It’s that time of year where I reflect on the previous year, get vulnerable and share the lessons and learnings. There were no shortage in 2022, so the difficulty was deciding which ones to share, let alone write down in a public space. These are not resolutions, nor intentions, rather acknowledgements of what 2022 taught me, and what I’ll take into 2023.

Life is full of choices, a cause and effect if you will. Some you make yourself, others are made for you, or are the result of another’s actions. Either way, when things don’t go as planned, or the tough times roll, I always try to look for the teachings.

I think 2022 was one of the biggest years of learning in my life. That's a pretty bold statement at 49. Or maybe it's exactly as it should be as I crest into half a century of being on this earth. I'm full of gratitude for who I'm evolving into (inside and out), privileged to live this life, and who I live it with.

Thank you 2022. You punched me in the gut, drained me, and shook my confidence, but I’m taking away far greater strength, knowledge about myself, a new found contentment, and excitement moving into 2023, albeit a little scary. So here goes.

2022 was relentless. I could barely catch my breath before the next circumstance, or gust of wind occurred, only for there to be another, and another. Whether business or personal, small hiccup or large feat, there was no shortage of mountains and valleys, rivers and streams.

This is NOT to say there weren’t some great moments and highlights of 2022. Not at all. Funny though, how the tough times can cloud the good, and take away from the celebrations. The learnings aren’t as plentiful when life is easy.

I’m a believer that, “I won’t be given anymore than I can handle”, so with this, I reminded myself often that I could, and would, figure it out, and had a “this too shall pass” mindset as I moved through difficult days. As tumultuous as it was, I know it was preparing me to land where I belong.

Whatever 2023 holds, I know I am resilient.

Oh boy, does this one hit hard. A big realization this year was how much I put others happiness and wellbeing before my own. I took on the responsibility, and load, of thinking if others were happy, I would be too. I’m a people pleaser by nature, but I need to learn to love me, do the things I love, and want to do, and not see it as selfish. I’ll have nothing to give if I don’t fill up my own tank first. I ran on empty the majority of the year.

In 2023, I will put my oxygen mask on first.

I would hedge a guess that most of us go about our days, looking at other women, thinking “Oh man, does she ever have it all together. I don’t know how she does it.”

I learned last year, the way I handle overwhelm is to do everything myself. How incredibly counterintuitive!!! The “I’ll handle it”, “I’ll figure it out”, “I'll fix it” mentality meant I took on the weight of it all. I may have looked like I had it all together, and all things considered, carried it well (it’s an art form most women master), but the reality was my mind and body were slammed with the weight of overwhelm, and exhausted by the intensity of life as I knew it.

In 2023, I will ask for more help.

The more storms I faced in 2022, the clearer things got. Funny how that works. What started out as a tornado, ended up being a light breeze by the end of the year. Thank goodness! While there was clean up to do from the storm, and exhaustion levels were high, there was clarity from within. I am thankful for the storms. Each one got easier, more manageable, and more accepting as time went on, and in essence, I got stronger and more resilient. I was challenged in ways I haven’t been before, and persevered. The result, that clearer path, brought me a new outlook on my business, and more clarity than I’ve ever had.

I have a new vision for 2023.

I’m a perfectionist. I’m particular, and like things a certain way. This statement is true about how I feel on the inside, but it’s also a trap I’ve fallen into about being viewed from the outside.

I feel like my life is a little messy right now. I’m picking up the pieces of 2022, and have entered into 2023 undergoing somewhat of a cleanse and reset. Maybe that’s why I spent the break cleaning and organizing, it felt like something I could control. My mind wanders while I clean, and that certainly helped clear the cobwebs, literally and figuratively. There are a lot of facades to hide behind these days, social media, fashion, facial expressions, not to mention my introversion. I posted a lot of pretty pictures last year (if you get my drift).

I don’t like being vulnerable, yet I want, and hope people will be vulnerable with me. I want to extend love, encouragement, and support when those I love need it. I want to be there for my people. It’s a bit hypocritical though wouldn’t you say? I know in my heart of hearts, my allies, friends and confidants would be there for me instantly if I reached out to them, at any time, with any circumstance. This in turn would help fill my tank, give me some oxygen, and support, rather than doing it alone. I think I need more Brené Brown in my life.

In 2023, I will show up, vulnerabilities, imperfections, and all.

Thank you for reading and taking the time to get to know me a little better, and . If you feel so inclined, I’d love to hear how 2022 shook out for you! Drop a comment below, send a DM or reply to this email.

With gratitude,




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