Lately Loving: Pale Pink


Have you heard the expression “in the pink”? If you are in the pink of health, this means you are in the highest or best degree or condition, which in my own summary, means pink has some pretty positive vibes. It’s no wonder I love it so much! 

The softer shades of pink are sophisticated, elegant, pretty and so well rounded we’re seeing it everywhere from statement architecture to beauty products. Move away from the stereotype of too juvenile or too feminine and confidently add a little more pink into your world. Much like the look of rosy cheeks in the winter or a beautiful blush on our face, the addition of pink adds a warm glow and softness to any room.

sources: 1. photographer Koichiro Doi  / 2. the seeke / 3. palace of the winds / 4. aztec blanket / 5. bedroom / 6. chair / 7. lush aqua marina